Thursday, 12 January 2012

Day 12 - Evening Sky

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I took a picture during lunchtime that I thought I would use for todays picture. That was until my hubby rang me at 4.50pm to say he was homeward bound and he asked if we had the same sunset in Wales as he was seeing in the midlands. I replied no, looked briefly out the window to see darkness and continued with our conversation. However, after hanging up I actually took time to inspect the sky outside and when I saw the colours in it, I knew I was seeing the same thing as he had. I promptly grabbed my camera and went out to our fire escape at work and took a number of shots as quickly as I could before it disappeared behind the darkness looming in. Todays picture of this evenings sky was the best of a few and was the one that showed the colours most vividly. I'm glad I took the time to listen to my hubby and also glad I'm now in the habit of bringing my camera into work with me. I'm hoping as the evenings get brighter for longer I might catch another one or two sunsets with these colours but with better subjects as part of the picture instead of bare trees!

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