Monday, 26 March 2012

Day 86 - Pussy willow

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Now, I've never really been that much of a nature person (or at least so I thought) but photography certainly opens your eyes to alot more than you may have taken notice of in the past. Take my recent discovery. Two weeks ago while walking the madra I noticed a couple of trees in the park with white furry buds on the branches. Not having a clue what they were I asked a lady in work who is into her gardening and she said she thought it might have been a pussy willow tree. Fast forward two weeks and the white furry buds have sprouted into the most unusual looking thing. Unfortunately the depth of field was uncontrollable as I only had my phone with me but I may well take the camera with me on our walk tomorrow to see if I can get a better picture to share with you. Fabulous blue skies in south wales today! Long may they continue!

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